Put the kettle on.

Growing up, our household had a simple solution for everything: 

Some of my fondest memories are of my family huddled in the kitchen, sharing laughter and stories over steaming cups of tea. 

As I grew older and had a daughter of my own, I wanted to pass down this lovely tradition. But finding a tea that she both loved and that was safe and healthy was like trying to find a teapot in a haystack!

That’s when the light bulb went off—why not create our own perfect tea?

Feeling happy?
Celebrate with tea.
Feeling down?
Comfort with tea. 

Jade xx



Our journey began with a personal quest... As a mother who cherished sharing tea with my daughter, I struggled to find blends that were both delicious and caffeine-free, suitable for young ones.

This inspired me to collaborate with Connie Page, a certified herbalist, to create Tiny Sips Tea. Together, we developed blends specifically designed to support children's sleep, calm their minds, boost their immune health, and aid digestion.

Our mission is to offer a unique range of organic tea blends that are safe and enjoyable for the whole family, especially for children!

At Tiny Sips Tea, we believe in the simple joy and profound benefits of a warm cup of tea.  

I was born and educated in Germany, studied French in the South of France and have spent many years travelling the World before settling in the UK to study Herbal Medicine.

I gained my Diploma in Phytotherapy (Plant Medicine) in 2000 at the prestigious College of Phytotherapy in East Sussex, UK and initially practised Herbal Medicine in a busy Inner-City Clinic in Edinburgh/Scotland where I also helped set up a Free Clinic for low-income earners, pensioners and students.

I moved to Australia in 2003 where I have done further studies in Progressive Kinesiology, graduating with a Diploma in 2012, and Aromatic Medicine, graduating with an Advanced Diploma in 2013. I am a registered and insured member of the National Herbalist Association of Australia (NHAA).

I grew up with Medicinal Herbal Teas. It was the first remedy my Mum would give us kids when we were sick. When I started practicing Herbal Medicine over 25 years ago, I often created tailormade tea blends for my patients who didn’t want to take Tinctures or Tablets and got wonderful results. When my Children were little, I often added herbal teas to their bath or, as they got older, to a hot foot bath in Winter. Drinking a cup of herbal tea also reminds us to stop and be still which is a healing moment in itself.!

Connie Page:
Medical Herbalist


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